Studying with children
In Mannheim, depending on the university, there are between 2 – 6 % student parents or single parents. Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting while studying are undoubtedly an exciting phase of life. Arranging childcare, organizing studies, financing the family and securing accommodation often present additional challenges. With its advisory and childcare services tailored to the special situation of student parents, the Studierendenwerk helps to balance everyday life with children and studies.
Management Kinderhaus
Phone: 0621 49072-570
Patrick Sullivan | Emilia Schaaf
Phone: 0621 49072 - 531 bzw. -530
Visitor adress
Studierendenwerk Mannheim AöR
N 6, 1
68161 Mannheim
Postal adress
Studierendenwerk Mannheim AöR
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim