
Make an appointment

The social counselling service of the Studierendenwerk provides information and help on all aspects of student finance, insurance, childcare, social welfare, housing benefit, job hunting, etc. The free and confidential counselling service is available to all students in the Mannheim university region who are looking for expert support with questions or problems in the personal, social or economic area. The social counselling service is also the right point of contact for difficulties in specific life situations.

By phone / e-mail

Patrick Sullivan | Emilia Schaaf
Phone: 0621 49072-531 resp. -530

Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Entrance A | Room 04 (Access via Infothek)
68161 Mannheim

Counselling and initial contact point at the Hochschule
Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10
Building J | Room 208
68163 Mannheim

Open consultation hours

Social counselling in the Mensaria am Schloss
Tuesday: 12:30 – 15:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 13:00
and appointments by arrangement

Counselling and initial contact point at the university
Building J, Room 208
Wednesday: 11:00 – 14:00
and appointments by arrangement

Online appointment booking