Help for students in need
Anyone can find themselves in an emergency or personal crisis during the course of their studies. Sometimes it helps to discuss problems with friends or family. However, there are also situations in which you should fall back on targeted and competent external support. This is where Campus-Hilfe comes in, which is specifically geared towards the different problem situations of students.
1. The Psychological Counselling Centre of the Studierendenwerk (PBS) helps with study-related problems such as
- exam nerves
- performance problems
- writer’s block
- procrastination
Studierendenwerk Mannheim
PBS Psych. Beratungsstelle
Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Eingang C
Tel. 0621 49072-555
2. The social counselling service of the Studierendenwerk provides support with social and economic problems such as
- financial emergencies, questions about student financing
- insurance issues
- studying with a child
- studying with a disability
Studierendenwerk Mannheim
Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Eingang A
Tel. 0621 49072-530
3. Help and counselling for women in need,
- in cases of violence against women or
- sexual harassment
The “Violence against women” helpline is a nationwide counselling service for women affected by violence. Victims, relatives and friends can call 08000 116 016 and get free and anonymous advice via online counselling.
The help hotline on the Internet: http://www.hilfetelefon.de/aktuelles.html
Help with sexual harassment or violence is available from the equal opportunities offices of the university and the colleges and from the women’s and girls’ helpline.
Further contact points for women:
Women’s Information Centre:
Phone: 0621/37 97 90 or
Mannheim women’s refuge:
Phone: 0621/74 42 42 or
Women’s and girls’ helpline:
Phone: 0621/10 03 3 or
4. In an emergency call the police, Tel: 110
Police headquarters
Mannheim in L6, 1
68161 Mannheim
Phone: 0621 174-0 or Fax: 0621 174-2185
5. Mobile emergency call app
A new app for mobile emergency calls for people with speech or hearing impairments offers those affected a good way to reach help quickly in an emergency.
This barrier-free emergency call can be used to organise the police, fire brigade or rescue services. This app is also a good way for people in a threatening situation who are unable to speak to call for help silently. Further information here:
Patrick Sullivan | Emilia Schaaf
Phone: 0621 49072 - 531 | -530
Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Entrance A | Room 04 (Access via Infothek)
68161 Mannheim
Counselling and initial contact point at the Hochschule
Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10
Building J | Room 208
68163 Mannheim
Open consultation hours
Social counselling in the Mensaria am Schloss
Tuesday: 12:30 - 15:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 13:00
and appointments by arrangement
Counselling and initial contact point at the Hochschule
Wednesday: 11:00 - 14:00
and appointments by arrangement
Postal address
Studierendenwerk Mannheim AöR
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim