
Who is responsible for me?

We use the time outside office hours to check incoming applications and process them in accordance with the – unfortunately very complex – legal requirements. Our aim is for you to receive your decision as quickly as possible, but the legal requirements must of course be met. You can help us with this by using the online application form. Many questions will be answered as soon as you complete the form thanks to the information provided in the programme.


University and Hochschule

  • A – DURA:
    Mrs. Ilbeyi, room 12
  • DURB – KIO:
    Mrs. Kischel, room 11
  • KIP – RIS:
    Mrs. Angersbach, room 12
  • RIT – Z :
    Mr. Hoffmann, room 11

DHBW, HDWM, POP, Musik, others

  • A – Z:
    Mrs. Speiger , room 10

Reservations and BVA enquiries

  • Mrs. Andorfer, room 5

Data synchronisation

  • Mrs. Zalucki, room 6

Management team

  • Kevin Zimmermann
    Department Management, room 7, 0621 49072-402
  • Sandra Boccuti-Pletscher
    Deputy Head of Department, room 8, 0621 49072-412
  • Aylin Egly
    Specialist Management, room 9, 0621 49072-414