
Studierendenwerk fee

The social infrastructure (canteens, day-care centres, residential facilities, advice centres) at all universities in Mannheim is financed on the one hand by fees (rents, menu prices, etc.) and on the other hand by the statutory student union fee. The student union fee (also known as the semester contribution or solidarity contribution) must be paid into the respective university cashier’s office upon enrolment and each time you re-register.

Contribution amount for HWS 2024/25 and WS 2024/25

  • For students of the University of Mannheim per semester at 85.00 euros
  • For students of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences per semester at 85.00 euros
  • For students of the Mannheim University of Music per semester at 85.00 euros
  • For students of the Popakademie Mannheim per semester at 85.00 Euro
  • For students of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim per academic year at 170.00 euros
    The fee can be paid per semester (85.00 euros) if the duration of studies is appropriate.

fee regulations

The student union fee is not the same as the administrative fee

The student union fee is often confused or lumped together with the universities’ administrative fee of 70.00 euros. To simplify processing, it is collected together with the student union fee and goes solely to the universities. The Studierendenwerk does not receive a cent of this.

Reimbursement of the student union fee

In principle, the following applies: The fee cannot be waived, reduced or deferred. There is no entitlement to a pro rata refund of the fee in the event of exmatriculation or cancellation of enrolment during the semester.

A refund of the student union fee is only possible in accordance with the fee regulations in the event of

  • Payment of the Studierendenwerk fee without enrolment (§ 6 no. 1 BO)
  • Exmatriculation before or within the first month after the start of the above-mentioned semester/ academic year (§ 6 no. 1 BO)
  • Enrolment at another university by the end of the 2nd month of the semester (§ 6 no. 2 BO)

The deadline is extended by one month if the start of the semester at the other university is demonstrably later than at the university of first enrolment. Click here to apply for a refund.

In cases other than those listed, the contribution cannot be refunded.