
Working alongside your studies? Is that even possible?

Students have various opportunities to work during their studies to supplement their income and gain work experience.

Here you will find a brief overview.

Mini job

This is employment that is marginally paid and falls under certain income limits. Currently, the maximum monthly income limit for mini-jobs is EUR 538. The monthly or annual income limit, social insurance, tax aspects, number of hours and working hours and health insurance must be taken into account.

Working student

Students who work alongside their studies may work up to 20 hours per week and, unlike regular part-time employees, receive tax and social security benefits. Please note the restrictions on working hours, income limits and tax aspects, social security and health insurance.


A person is self-employed if they work for a client on account or provide a specific service for a contractually agreed fee. There is no statutory entitlement to continued payment of wages in the event of illness or to holidays. Anyone who works as a self-employed person on a permanent basis must register their commercial activity with the local authority (trade licence). Students who only work on a temporary basis or, for example, during the semester holidays on a self-employed basis do not have to register a business.


Mandatory internships during the degree programme (intermediate internship)
Interns are exempt from social security contributions during the internship prescribed in the study and examination regulations. The duration, working hours and amount of remuneration are irrelevant here.
Health insurance for students remains in place.

Mandatory internships before or after the degree programme
A mandatory internship before or after your studies is subject to social insurance contributions. The internship is regarded as employment as part of company training. The intern’s contribution to health insurance corresponds to that of the student health insurance. Family insurance takes priority.

Non-mandatory internships during the degree programme (intermediate internship)
The regulations on marginal or short-term employment and the working student privilege apply to non-mandatory paid internships.

Non-mandatory internships
Non-prescribed pre-/post-internships without remuneration are exempt from social security contributions. With remuneration, interns are considered employees and are subject to social security contributions. However, there is the possibility of exemption from contributions in accordance with the regulations for marginal employment.
Non-registered pre-/post-interns have the option of voluntary statutory or private health insurance.


Patrick Sullivan | Emilia Schaaf
Phone: 0621 49072 - 531 | -530

Mensaria am Schloss
Bismarckstr. 10 | Entrance A | Room 04 (Access via Infothek)
68161 Mannheim

Counselling and initial contact point at the Hochschule
Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10
Building J | Room 208
68163 Mannheim

Online appointment booking

Make an appointment now

Open consultation hours

Social counselling in the Mensaria am Schloss
Tuesday: 12:30 - 15:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 13:00
and appointments by arrangement

Counselling and initial contact point at the Hochschule
Wednesday: 11:00 - 14:00
and appointments by arrangement

Postal address

Studierendenwerk Mannheim AöR
Postfach 10 30 37
68030 Mannheim