
Autoload FAQ

Invisible Accordion

1. What exactly is the autoload process and how does it work?

Autoload is a direct debit authorisation/SEPA direct debit mandate for the private bank account. The chip card and the account are linked together. At the same time, the top-up amount and the remaining credit balance are defined when Autoload is set up. The top-up amount defines how much money is to be transferred from the deposited bank account to the chip card when topping up. The minimum amount for this is 5.00 euros. The remaining credit indicates the amount from which the card is topped up. Before each top-up process, you will be asked again in person at the tills or at the machines via display confirmation whether you wish to top up. Both the top-up amount and the remaining credit can be adjusted by Autoload users at any time in the card service portal.

Important note: For security reasons, topping up with Autoload is only possible once a day at the Studierendenwerk cash desks and machines. You can top up your card as required at the Autoload top-up machines after entering your PIN. You will receive the PIN when you register for Autoload. You can choose a new PIN for your card at any time via the Autoload portal.

Would you like an example?

The remaining credit is €2.00 and the top-up amount is €10.00. You want to buy a coffee from the vending machine and there is only €1.00 left on the chip card. This amount is not sufficient for the payment process.

  • A field therefore appears on the vending machine asking whether you want to top up.
  • After confirming by pressing the corresponding button, €10.00 will be credited directly to the card and the bank account will be debited accordingly. The new credit is then €11.00 and the card is immediately ready for use for the payment process.
  • If you do not wish to top up the card – simply confirm the corresponding button. you can decline and nothing will be topped up.

2. What are the advantages of Autoload?

  • Convenient and secure handling
  • Contactless registration
  • Cashless topping up and payment
  • Always enough money on the card
  • Participation in regular bonus and discount campaigns such as Coffeeload® (digital stamp card)
  • Convenient control via the card service portal at or StudiPlus²® app with the following functions
    • Card can be blocked and cancelled from the autoload procedure at any time
    • Refund of the card balance if the card is lost or stolen
    • Overview of the stored bank details
    • Display of transactions made with the card
    • Change the top-up amount and remaining balance at any time

3. Where and how can I register for Autoload?

You can register for the cashless autoload procedure at the service points listed below after presenting your chip card and bank card/bank details.

  • Online
  • Universität Mannheim
    Infothek in the Mensaria am Schloss
  • Musikhochschule Mannheim
    Cafeteria Musikhochschule
  • Hochschule Mannheim
    Café Integral
  • DHBW Mannheim
    Mensaria Metropol (coffee bar) and at the Central Student Services as well as in the branch offices at the administration/study offices
  • Popakademie
    CAFE 33

4. Autoload with an international bank account?

Participation in the autoload procedure is also possible for holders of European accounts. The prerequisite is that the bank participates in the SEPA scheme. Please ensure that your bank account is covered when you set up the autoload procedure. Higher fees may be charged for returned payments. You can also find out the amount of these fees from your bank.

5. What to do if you lose your PIN?

A new PIN can be issued at our service centres on presentation of your chip card, bank card and ID card. This ensures that you are the authorised account holder for the Autoload registration. With the new PIN, you can access your settings again in the Autoload-Serviceportal or in the StudiPlus²® app. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send the PIN by email, post or telephone for the security reasons mentioned above. When registering online, the initial PIN consists of the last 6 digits of the IBAN provided.

6. What to do with new bank details?

For your security, you can only change your account at one of our service centres. The change is very quick – you just need to have your chip card and the new bank details with you.

7. What to do if I lose my card?

If your chip card is lost or stolen, you can block it at any time via the card service portal on the StudiPlus²® app or To do this, please log in to the portal with your card number and PIN that you received when you registered for Autoload. If you no longer have the chip card number or PIN, you can alternatively have your card blocked at one of our service centres using the bank details you provided when registering for Autoload.

8. How can I get my credit on the chip card back?

To refund your card balance, please use the form at

Please note that once the credit has been refunded, the lost card can no longer be used, even if it is found again, as the payment function is irrevocably deactivated after the refund.

Important note: Studierendenwerk Mannheim can only block the payment function on your chip card. If you lose your card, please also contact your university directly to have any other functions stored on the chip card, e.g. access authorisations etc., blocked as well.

9. What should I do if my card is blocked due to overdue payments?

If you top up your card via Autoload, the amount will be debited from the bank account on file after approx. 3–5 working days. Your bank may refuse the direct debit for various reasons – for example, if there are insufficient funds in the account. As this can result in additional return fees, the payment arrears are made up of the return fees in addition to the revaluation amount.

By settling the arrears with cash at one of our service centres, the card can be unblocked and used as usual. Please do not transfer the amount again.

10. How can I unsubscribe from Autoload?

Participation in the autoload procedure can be cancelled at any time in the card service portal via StudiPlus²® or Please note that the card balance will not be refunded automatically if you cancel your membership, but only after you present your card.

11. What happens to my data?

Of course, Studierendenwerk does not store any data such as your name, date of birth or address on the chip card exchange. It is therefore not possible to draw conclusions about your person or your financial circumstances. Only the bank details from the direct debit authorisation, which are required for the revaluation process, are linked to the card. The data protection law of the state of Baden-Württemberg is strictly observed.

12. Is cash revaluation still possible?

Both chip cards with and without autoload function can be topped up in cash at the cash desks in the Studierendenwerk canteens and cafeterias. However, only Autoload users can benefit from the advantages of cashless topping up and payment.

13. Do you have any further questions about Autoload?

Then please send us an e-mail to or call us directly on 0621 49072-777